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Sugar Glider Store Archive Page
Friday, July 1, 2016
With the excitement of the 4th of July weekend comes an abundance of stressful lights and noises caused by fireworks. While enjoyable for most of us, it is important to realize these celebrations can cause anxiety and stress for our beloved Sugar Gliders. Below are five tips for helping your pet get through the holiday weekend in peace.

Location. Location. Location. If your glider’s cage is in an open room, consider moving the cage to a more closed off area, away from windows. Cover the cage with a cage cover or blanket to help block out some of the noise and light.

Shake A Tail (Feather). Try distracting your glider from all the commotion with a fun new treat to chew on or engaging toy to play with. Sugar Gliders can find much amusement by foraging for a tasty treat…plus it gives them something to focus on besides the fireworks.

Turn it up. While fireworks and other commotions can be causing stress for your glider, there are sounds that can actually help relax them. Try playing calming music or using the TV to drown out outside noises. Even using your own voice to talk to your pet can be soothing for them. 

Recruit some help. Let our products be the saving point this holiday weekend. Pouches, nesting boxes, and many other shelters provide the safety and comfort your glider desires. Visit our website to explore the many options we offer to supply your Sugar Glider with only the best care possible!

by: Sugar Glider Store
