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Sugar Glider Store Archive Page
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Sugar Gliders are susceptible to two main health concerns including rear leg paralysis and self-mutilation. Rear leg paralysis is usually caused from calcium deficiency. Although serious, it is now considered treatable when caught early.  Symptoms include lethargy or weakness, swollen fingers or toes, shaking, apparent dizziness or lack of coordination, limping, and loss of use of the rear legs. All Sugar Glider Superstore foods and supplements will provide the calcium and other ingredients necessary to keep your gliders healthy. It is important to keep in mind that overfeeding calcium also has health risks and you should always provide your pet with the proper amount of food and treats. The second health concern, self-mutilation, is usually caused when a Sugar Glider feels lonely. These are extremely social creatures and while sometimes human contact is enough to keep them satisfied, other times they crave the companionship provided by another glider. In many cases, this lack of company can have a detrimental effect on health in the form of self-inflicted bite marks. A collar can be used as a temporary measure to prevent biting, but you should see your vet immediately to determine the exact cause of the behavior. It is recommended that gliders are bought in groups of two or more (be cautious of putting more than one male with one female) in order to prevent under socialization. See our website for more helpful tips!

by: Sugar Glider Store
