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Sugar Glider Store Posting Page
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sugar Gliders are nocturnal animals that are most active at night. It is completely fine to handle your Glider during the day, as long as you let it curl up and sleep in either a bonding pouch, pocket, or back in it's cage once it starts to get tired. Letting your Glider loose in a room to play can be extremely entertaining to watch. It's important that this freedom is only allowed for tame Gliders that have gotten used to their surroundings and are willing to return back to their cage once finished playing. Simply open the door of the cage in the evening or at night and watch your Glider explore the room. Supervision is a must because they can easily escape outside, into a vent, or drown in any standing water. You can try to teach your pet to glide to you by placing it in a high area, then encouraging it down onto your hand using a treat. Once your Glider catches on to the game, you can gradually move farther and farther away so that it has to leap, then eventually glide to reach you. Visit our website to see our Glider Harness & Leash to keep your suggie safely within arms length while it's adjusting to being outside the cage.

by: Sugar Glider Store
