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Sugar Glider Store Posting Page
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

OK ... so you are confused. Misleading websites, veterinarians with vested interests in sugar glider products, and websites that promote 'only' using their products, so, which do you believe? Don't believe any of them. Although you may find partial truths in many things you hear or read about Sugar glider care from these companies, whether you find the information in a video promotion by a veterinarian boosting of their experience, or on a sugar glider website, much of the information is based on selling products that these companies or individuals are invested in, they make money from getting you to buy their products, or by visiting their websites, of course they are going to promote their products, that’s called capitalism, and they want to make money.

Some of these websites or videos can be extremely professional looking, along with coming off as if they have no vested interests other than teaching you the correct way to care for your Sugar gliders. Don't be fooled. Many of these websites that claim they are "societies' or "associations" are really one or two individuals that want only for you to buy their products, or buy their sugar glider (usually from flea markets or Mall kiosks that they own). They may tell you 'never to buy a sugar glider from a pet store' why do you think that is? Because they do not sell their sugar gliders, or their products in pet stores .... They only sell them in the flea markets, tourist areas, and malls. Look closely at the website, does it actually list the member veterinarians ... or is it just trying to get you to sign up to get you on their emails list, so they can promote their products?

So ... where do you find unbiased, reliable information on the care of your pet sugar glider? Simple ... Sugar gliders are not difficult to keep in captivity; they are extremely hardy animals that will thrive when provided with a few basic items. A proper cage, quality fresh foods, and companionship.
There is an excellent book that you can purchase for under $10 called the 'Barrons' Sugar Glider Book. Well worth the investment if you are thinking about, or already own a sugar glider. You may be able to find this book in your local library. This book was written by a well-known Canadian writer named Caroline Wightman (formally Caroline Mcpearson). She does not promote products, has no vested interests in any product, and provides genuine experience from years of successfully owning and breeding healthy sugar gliders. Rather than spend hundreds of dollars on products that may not be in the best interest of your gliders, spend $10 or go to the library, and learn how to care for your pet properly.

There are excellent sugar glider educational articles packed with proper sugar glider care information listed here. They are free.

Exotic Pet Website with proper care information - Click here

by: Sugar Glider Store
